DIVE IN: Hob Nob Sidedoor Lounge

Best Bloody Mary in Tacoma

By Steph DeRosa on March 20, 2008

I had heard my friend Karla Corona was now working at Hob Nob’s Sidedoor Lounge, so I had to bust in on her and have a drink. I told her I was reviewing it for a dive bar column, and I think she wasn’t sure whether to be insulted or proud. Karla always kicks ass at whatever she does, so it was no challenge to convince her that this was definitely an honor. Or at least I like to think it’s an honor, but I lie to myself regularly.

OK, gotta tell you — BEST Bloody Mary in Tacoma. They make their own mix, and make it well is what they do. For a lunchtime drink, the Bloody Mary is a meal in itself, this I know from experience. If you happen to stumble into the Hob Nob restaurant at 6 a.m., you can catch the nurses from the hospital getting’ their drunk on after a weary all-night shift.

The Hob Nob Sidedoor opens at 11 a.m. and rocks with a cool lunchtime crowd, getting busier with the 3-6 p.m. happy hour crowd. The atmosphere is welcoming, the people are the kind of people I call my friends, and the Hob Nob Sidedoor is the epitome of Tacoma all wrapped up into our very own neighborhood Regal Beagle. I expected Jack & Janet to come waltzing in the door at any moment.

Leather captain’s chairs, dark interior, pull-tabs, lots of domestics on tap, and some indescribable carpeting all amount to a top-notch dive bar. There’s .38 Special blaring from the electronic jukebox, Karla at your service, and me sittin’ at the bar sippin’ a tall cool one. I bet you can barely imagine a more picture-perfect scenario. I know I can’t.

Hob Nob’s Sidedoor Lounge

716 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.272.3200

Food: wonderfully historic
Beer: four micros, four domestics
Service: attitude with a smile
Mullet Count: sadly, none

Bar Exam Dive Grade: A+