Inspirational recharge

Carmen cries and recovers.

By Carmen Jones on May 8, 2008

Oh what a tangled web is weaved in my above-ground professional life.

Unfortunately, I let my company down on one specific project last week amongst the 5,000 other things I do. I actually cried about it (which I NEVER do) because I knew that I could’ve done better (I’m my own worst critic).

The second the tears dried up, I was ripped apart by peers in quite a public way. Way to kick a girl when she’s down. It’s also disappointing that people don’t understand everything that I have to balance.

Regardless, I went directly to one of the main sources of the ripping, and we came to a unique understanding and mutual respect of one another.

There’s so much truth in the following statement from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Seek to understand before being understood.

Bullshit be gone: I went on to have an amazing all-star weekend in spite of this turbulence because that’s the positive force that I am, and that’s how I roll.

Friday, The Lawyer and I met at Maxwell’s for cheese plates to make lighthearted jokes about the adversarial commentaries, which lightened my spirits through and through. He had to buzz off to get new glasses as other amazing friends rolled in including Little Liz, Gina B., Frankie, Matt, Sarah, K to the K and Lisa.

I forced K to the K to try Maxwell’s brownie soufflé dessert. It comes out hot with a dollop of vanilla ice cream. It’s so good that I want to eat it until my teeth fall out, or I get diabetes, whichever comes first.

After, K to the K, Lisa and I stole Sean P. Quinn and we headed to Puget Sound Pizza for cold beers. Karaoke with Colin consisted of the ever-ambitious (yet terrible and funny) singers, which on this auspicious night was full of ’80s hits.

Once again, I was reminded that incredible friends (and even crappy ’80s music) make all the difference in life.

I headed to the Top of Tacoma Saturday evening because I knew it would be a packed house between Mike and Conor’s birthday parties. All I can say is that it was such a good time that one of the male partiers was running around in his tidy whities, while many others had no shirts.

At 11 or so, I hopped over to Hell’s Kitchen for the Fucking Eagles show. All of the usual suspects were there, and I managed to skillfully tie one on with Bianca. I’m trying to convince her to move in with me because my current roommate is flaking. I mean it, Bianca! The place is yours!

Sunday I ran over to Jazzbones to catch comedian Doug Stanhope. All I know is that he was crude, disgusting, vile and without a doubt, fucking hilarious. Since they probably won’t play his shit on Comedy Central anytime soon, you should really check him out by going to

Carmen’s hot ticket for this weekend

Kim Archer Band at 9 p.m. this Friday and Saturday at Dawson’s, 5443 S. Tacoma Way. No cover, great drinks and food, and soulful music.

Tell me where you like to party here.