Max Willis

We snapped him at a circus/freak show-themed party

By Alexandra DeLong on August 28, 2008

The best outfits are always inspired by over-the-top creativity. Whether designers are gathering inspiration from fashion icons of the past or new age concepts like global warming and recycling, we can always be promised interesting looks floating down the runway will be toned way down when sold in stores to the masses. 

Max Willis was spotted last Saturday night dressed up in costume as a ringleader at his circus/freak show-themed party. His costume resembled high fashion fabulously, with crazy red colorful plaid pants from the Goodwill, a sky blue ruffled button-up shirt tucked in, and blue crushed velvet blazer also from the Goodwill. Both plaid pants and button-up blouses are coming back in full blast for fall. Around Willis’ waist is a black studded belt that never goes out of style from Mother Records and slick black shoes on his feet from the Bon. He completes his costume with an old-school bowler hat that he received as a gift from a friend, dark makeup around his eyes from Value Village, a whip from Mexico, and his dog, Lynch, a gorgeous pit bull/Lab mix posing as a bear cub. Willis does an excellent job of honing in on a few key in style elements and creating an intriguing and awesome costume based around that.