Click! Rules

Supporting the local choice

By Natasha Gorbachev on September 25, 2008

As I was buzzing around town running errands recently, I had a conversation with a customer service representative that I wanted to pass along.

I was in one specific area of town, and I decided to drop into this office to pay a bill.

After I doled out the $80, and the customer service rep waived my late fee, he asked if he could help me with anything else.

I simply said, “I just want you to know that I heart Click!”

How often do you feel compelled to say that you love a service after giving them money?

For the following reasons and many more, Click! Cable TV is the Scene of the Crime.

Before I moved to Tacoma from West Seattle, I did my research on this city and I was surprised to find that the 253 maintains a municipally-owned cable company in Click!

For those who don’t understand, Tacoma is wired at every right-of-way with redundant fiber optic cables. All fancy talk aside, that much fiber and redundancy means that we’re less likely to experience outages since there’s a backup, and it’s very easy to connect.

And what’s paramount for all to know is that our municipally-owned cable company creates choice, and the fact that there’s a choice helps keep costs down.

Speaking of price, I really don’t care if Click!’s competitor, Comcast, ever has cheaper rates. I immediately rip up every single direct-mail piece that Comcast sends me because I believe in supporting the local choice.

I get both my cable TV and Internet through Click! and their ISP partner, Net Venture, and in the six years that I’ve lived here, I’ve never been let down by either service.

I’d also like to shed light on the fact that Click! does more for this community than many of you realize. Click! is a very proud partner and sponsor of so many of the community organizations and events that you love, including Showcase Tacoma, the Museum of Glass, the Humane Society, the Washington State History Museum and the Tacoma Rainiers.

I can guarantee that the senior managers of Comcast have no idea about these Tacoma organizations that are so very worthy of Click!’s support.


I’m also a big fan of Click!’s Video on Demand services, and the free local favorites. There you’ll find great segments on several of the aforementioned organizations and the Port of Tacoma, the Farmers Market and TV Tacoma.


I consistently feel good about giving my money to Click! in trade for not just their services, but also their community support.


So if you’re with Comcast, I hope you’ll join me in going with the local choice in Click! to keep this municipally-owned utility in place now and forever.


Give Click! a buzz at 253.502.8900.

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