Cody Foster's Army

Thunderous licks from one of T-town's truest sons.

By Bobble Tiki on April 16, 2009

You can call it by its full name, Cody Foster’s Army, or simply by the letters CFA, but know one thing: this band crushes. In CFA’s relatively short lifespan as a metal entity, Bobble Tiki has come to know and — more importantly — much respect the thunderous licks of one of T-town’s truest sons. Cody Foster’s Army is as real as it gets. Make no mistake.

When CFA played its first show, at the Top of Tacoma’s one-year anniversary party, the Weekly Volcano was there. Bobble Tiki could be wrong, but he believes Natasha still has bruises on her shot-taking arm to prove it. For this reason, Bobble Tiki and most of the Weekly Volcano staff hold CFA near and dear (aside from Chuck Dula, who only listens to Euro metal emo synth crunk — some genre we’re almost certain he made up in his lonely bedroom).

So when Bobble Tiki saw CFA lined up to play Hell’s Kitchen on Saturday, April 18, he pounced like the beer swilling, fist-pounder he is at heart. Considering the bill also includes the Jack Saints, Shotwell, the Coloffs and the Speans, there’s nothing to suggest this show will be anything but the weekend’s rowdiest.

“It works because three guys who have known each other little over a decade find the time to enjoy each other’s passion for music and staying open to all ideas,” says CFA drummer Reno Dave, who did provide his last name, but swore no one would know him by it. “We each bring our all to the table. We feed each other as well as feed off each other. Our table is always full of killer ideas. Our style gels through theory. Anything is possible.”

With CFA obviously not lacking in confidence or ball rattling metal bravado, Reno Dave seemed fairly certain he already knows what Saturday holds in store.

“Expect something fast, loud, and in your face,” says Reno Dave. “We expect women to throw themselves all over our guitarist, Dave Takata! He’s the most beautiful person in Tacoma! Show your love ladies!”

Bobble Tiki assumes the ladies took note.

[Hell’s Kitchen, Saturday, April 18, the Jack Saints with Cody Fosters Army, Shotwell, the Coloffs, the Speans, 9 p.m., $5, 3829 Sixth Ave, Tacoma, 253.759.6003]