Muri and Pabst

Important people said stuff this week

By Matt Driscoll on May 28, 2009

U.S. Rep Dick Muri?

Republican Dick Muri of the Pierce County Council — who the Weekly Volcano has always admired for his tan skin and keen choice of ties — announced his candidacy for U.S. Congress this week. He’ll be vying for a seat in the House of Reps, representing Washington’s 9th district. U.S. Rep. Adam Smith — who the Weekly Volcano has always admired for his relatively pale skin and sound sense of judgment — currently holds the seat, which gives a voice in D.C. to portions of King, Pierce and Thurston counties.

Muri’s campaign had this to say on the candidate’s official Web site,

“Muri, a retired USAF Lt. Colonel, will continue his decades long advocacy for a balanced budget amendment to our nation’s constitution.

“The concept of independent states served by a limited federal government, as envisioned by our nation’s founders, has been increasingly ignored. We are now suffering the consequences. The unprecedented increase of deficit and debt these past ten years, and the credit card mentality of our current congress, is considered by many to be ‘generational theft.’”

The Weekly Volcano doesn’t expect to officially endorse Muri anytime soon, but it is nice to hear a Republican not entirely blaming Obama’s “socialism” and the current congress for our current mess. We’re pretty sure most of the past ten years there was a different party in charge …

Pabst gets the axe?

Cool your jets, Drunky McDrunkerson. Not that Pabst.

Patricia Pabst, Tacoma’s (now former) retirement director, was very politely shown the door this week — which is nice considering she did have a 26-year career with the city of Tacoma.

Tacoma’s Retirement Board, after plenty of backgammon, shuffle board and mildly heated debate, decided to recommend that Pabst be removed from her post. Jodie Trueblood — who has worked as manager of the Tax and License Division — will serve as interim retirement manager, pending approval of the City Council at their next meeting, June 2.

Tacoma Mayor Bill Baarsma, who is also Chair of the Retirement Board, had this to say on the decision:

“The board has decided, through the course of its regular performance evaluation, that it is time to take a new direction with the leadership of our retirement system.”

Not exactly Donald Trump, but you get the idea …