Oh my God! Jonas!

Thoughts from an 8-year-old girl about the Jonas Brothers’ show at the Tacoma Dome

By Karen Wilson on June 25, 2009

Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! I’m going to see the Jonas Brothers at the Tacoma Dome! Oh my God!

Oh. Hi. My name is Karen Wilson. I’m 8. And I looooove the Jonas Brothers! I saw them for the first time on the Disney Channel with Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus after High School Musical 2. My brother says the Jonas Brothers are “frat boy bitches,” and he laughs every time I talk about their last album, A Little Bit Longer. My brother is 14, and he’s kind of emo. He wears shirts that show his nipples. I don’t get it.

Anyway, the Jonas Brothers are awesome. They’re from New Jersey. My dad says New Jersey is a “hole.” There are three of them — Nick, who is totally hot, Joe, who is totally hot, and Kevin, who is totally hot. Nick started singing when he was around my age. He was in a lot of plays, which my brother says makes him a dork. But I don’t care, because he is sooooo hot!

The Jonas Brothers sang a lot of Christian music in the beginning, which is why my dad let me listen to them. They had a song called “Joy to the World (A Christmas Prayer)” that made me cry. It had the Beauty and the Beast music in it, and it was really big on the radio. They made that song twice it was so good, and did another one called “Dear God” — like a letter to God, only it’s a song, and it’s sung by Nick, who is sooooo hot! That was when Joe and Kevin started being part of the Jonas Brothers, but Nick was still the best. My brother says Nick was supposed to do a solo album, but it got “blank-canned” because it was dumb. But they did a song that made some record guy really excited, and they got an awesome record deal. I don’t understand why they didn’t just stay on the Disney Channel. My brother says it’s because they got too old, and because old men in the record industry wanted to “exploit their talents,” whatever that means. He also says “talents” with his fingers up like he’s doing quotation marks, and says that the Jonas Brothers are an “engine of corporate control, created to dull the minds of millions of American children and make money for the most evil company in the world.” He calls them “Disney whores.” Whatever. He wears mascara and writes poems about this same stupid girl all the time, and reads them on YouTube with his dumb emo music in the background. He’s soooo dumb!

Anyway, I saw the Jonas Brothers in concert once with Kelly Clarkson from American Idol. I think she died or something. I really wanted to see them with the Cheetah Girls or the Veronicas, but my dad said that those aren’t the kinds of girls I should be looking up to. I think my dad is full of you-know-what because he has a calendar under his bed with girls that look way worse than the Cheetah girls. 

I love Camp Rock! It’s a movie with the Jonas Brothers about summer camp, and it’s awwwwsome! Their songs started to get a little weirder then, and were more about boy and girl stuff. My dad only let me listen to certain songs from A Little Bit Longer. Then the Jonas Brothers made a song with some rap guy named “Timbaland,” and my dad made me stop listening to them all together. The song was called “Dumb,” and I like to imagine it was about my dad and my brother. 

But whatever. My mom is going to take me to go see the Jonas Brothers this Sunday at the Tacoma Dome anyway because she says my Dad is full of you-know-what.

Oh my god! The Jonas Brothers are soooooooo hot!

[Tacoma Dome, Sunday, June 28, 7 p.m., $29.50 - $89.50, 2727 E D St, Tacoma, 253.272.3663]