Team Gina

he lesbionic, faux-rappers to play Jazzbones

By Matt Driscoll on August 26, 2009

What’s better than one Gina?

Two Ginas, of course.

And what’s better than two Ginas? Well, two Ginas that will suck you in and spit you out, mesmerizing you with dope pulsations and beats and putting on a clinic of mad, pop culture riffing skills. In fact, when Ginas roll like that, you better recognize and call them a team.

If you want to see what I’m talking about, check out Team Gina — the lesbionic, faux-rappers from Seattle who seem to have charmed the tight pants off of just about every hipster music critic alive. 

Would I call the music of Team Gina revolutionary?

Probably not. But, my guess is, neither would Team Gina — made up of Gina Bling and Gina Genius, who claim to have synchronized dance routines that will “blow your mind,” and also claim that they “may or may not have played Zach Morris and Kelly Kapowski on Saved by the Bell.”

What would I call Team Gina?


Oh, and what’s better than an ambiguously sexual band name? Not much.

[Jazzbones, with 508 Disturbance, Saturday, Aug. 29, 9 p.m., $7, 2803 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.396.9169]