Article Archives (1931) Currently Viewing: 1621 - 1640 of 1931

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Sometimes a fantasy


Sometimes a fantasy

In musical jargon, a fantasia is a freestyle composition, arrived at by improvising. We know it better as the title of Walt Disney's 1940s collection of animated classical music videos. Disney's mesmerizing cartoon, recorded in and presented via way-ahead-of-its-time multitrack sound, was nevertheless a financial failure till 1969. (Audiences of

Afrofuturist soul of Aeon Fux


Afrofuturist soul of Aeon Fux

Certain bands and artists come along that blow one's little, wannabe music-loving mind. Tom Waits did it for me when my dad showed me Big Time; St. Vincent threw me for a loop when I saw her video for "Marrow;" Prince challenged my sexuality the first time I heard "Darling

'Art AIDS America' at Tacoma Art Museum


'Art AIDS America' at Tacoma Art Museum

If I were allowed 6,000 words instead of 600, I probably still couldn't do this exhibition justice. The amazing thing about it is that it was locally curated, by Tacoma Art Museum's Rock Hushka with co-curator Jonathan David Katz from the University at Buffalo (New York). The exhibition is organized





The top 24 percent

News Front

The top 24 percent

A soldier tossed a smoke grenade into a shallow hole. There was a pop, a fizz, and then whitish grey smoke. A moment later, another soldier moving carefully down a trail, detected the noise and smoke. Within seconds dense, yellow smoke engulfed him. The soldier reacted to the simulated chemical attack.  Not

TIKI LOGIC: Super Bowl, Mom's Rocket, Hella Sunshine


TIKI LOGIC: Super Bowl, Mom's Rocket, Hella Sunshine

  It's a new week, which means it's time for a new installment of Bobble Tiki's South Sound music news and notes column. Without further ado, let's get rolling ... Ah, Super Bowl week. In Bobble Tiki's humble opinion, there's no finer time of year. It brings back memories ... vague, hazy

Housing for homeless veterans proposed


Housing for homeless veterans proposed

There's a project afoot in Tacoma that brings to mind the saying, "it takes a village," a proverb that usually refers to a community of individuals pitching in to help raise a child.  In the case of the as-yet-unnamed housing project proposed for veterans and their families struggling with homelessness,

History, mis-history and mystery aboard the USS Turner Joy


History, mis-history and mystery aboard the USS Turner Joy

You expect certain things from a naval museum. History. War stories. And ships; of course, you expect to see drawings of ships, models of ships, and facts and figures about ships. You get all this when you go to a certain museum in Bremerton, but you get so much more.

Treasure hunting in Puyallup

Military Life

Treasure hunting in Puyallup

Countless treasures are what one can expect to find while browsing the plethora of quaint shops in Historical Downtown Puyallup's Antique District. Whether lining shelves or lying in wait behind glass display cabinets, objects beckon for patron appreciation; each item has a story to tell.          There are six shops

Calendar Girls live


Calendar Girls live

Calendar Girls, adapted by Tim Firth from the movie of the same name, is a sweet and frothy comedy with a heartfelt underlying theme of self-acceptance and caring for others. Chris (Kathy Harris) and her best friend, Annie (Jane Brody), are fed up with the leadership style of the president of

Sunday, Feb. 6: "A Not So Still Life"

We Recommend

Sunday, Feb. 6: "A Not So Still Life"

Movies about artists carry a certain appeal; if done right they offer the viewer glimpses of the mysterious inspiration behind a genius' work. But therein lies the rub for the filmmaker - how does one photograph "inspiration"? In general, how does a visual medium like cinema capture and give physical

"A Not So Still Life"


"A Not So Still Life"

Movies about artists carry a certain appeal; if done right they offer the viewer glimpses of the mysterious inspiration behind a genius' work. But therein lies the rub for the filmmaker - how does one photograph "inspiration"? In general, how does a visual medium like cinema capture and give physical

Circle of Friends


Circle of Friends

If there are noticeable similarities between the works by the half-dozen artists now on view at Fulcrum Gallery, it is because they are friends who met while living in New York in the early 2000s and have continued to influence each other since - Patrick Berran, Ben Grasso, Jean Pierre

Go inside The Vault


Go inside The Vault

The great thing about a city that thrived in the pre-WW2 era is that there are great old buildings that are being utilized as condos, studios and restaurants all over town. This makes for some venues that draw people in for the old timey feel, and if you add quality

Friday, Feb. 4: Beep!

We Recommend

Friday, Feb. 4: Beep!

In my childhood home, I would often stand down the hallway from the computer room, wherein my father would sit and listen to records. Bizarre songs that seemed to go on forever that sounded like jazz, but filtered through a kind of loopy logic that always found its way back

White Horse in Olympia

South Sound Cinema

White Horse in Olympia

You've probably heard the ancient tale of Pheidippides, an Athenian herald in handmade sandals who ran 25 miles home to the Acropolis from the Battle of Marathon in 490 B.C., thereby reporting Greek victory over the Persians. You may not know he accomplished this shortly after sprinting the 150-mile round

Tricks and reads


Tricks and reads

It's hard to say whether kids or adults get more excited about the Day of the Dead. It's the one night of the year when everyone feels entirely comfortable schlepping around suburban neighborhoods dressed in a cosplay outfit. The kids are stuck wearing spectral sheets and plastic masks, but we

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