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Caspar Babypants


Caspar Babypants

Years ago, the folks at the Weekly Volcano sent me on a dubious assignment to attend a live production of Yo Gabba Gabba!, a beloved children's show that ran for four seasons. Even though I was given two tickets, none of my friends were willing to wake up early enough on a Saturday

Warren Miller's Line of Descent

South Sound Cinema

Warren Miller's Line of Descent

For all of its problems -- and, truly, there are many -- the 1985 James Bond outing, A View to a Kill, has its interesting points: Christopher Walken and Grace Jones going all gonzo wackadoo as the villains; Roger Moore blessedly coming to terms with being too old for Bond, once




I sometimes wonder where a person was when they were confronted with a musician's voice that didn't quite fit the mold of acceptability, and where they were when they realized that imperfection might actually be preferable. Growing up, I was inundated with songs from the ‘50s and ‘60s, which typically




There are some works of fiction that gain their power through bravado, high-density dialogue, spectacle, or pyrotechnic productions. Others, though, find strength, and lasting resonance, in closely observing human stories that somehow access universal empathy through specificity. Calligraphy is, at its bare bones, a story I've seen before: a grown-up child is

Three easy pieces

South Sound Cinema

Three easy pieces

In Three Easy Pieces, I take a look at a specific subgenre of pop culture, and examine it from its birth to today. This month: two of my biggest passions collide when stars of the professional wrestling world try their hand at making movies. BIRTH: El Santo Honorable mention: Tor Johnson, Adrian

Evan Main's exit


Evan Main's exit

In some ways, Tacoma functions as a sort of farm league for artists looking to make it big in the world. Yes, there are frequently plenty of outlets for creatives to express themselves in town, but one can only grow so big in a city that lacks a functioning transit

"Blithe Spirit"


"Blithe Spirit"

In their 99th season, Tacoma Little Theatre is now two for two when it comes to wry comedies featuring cosmopolitan couples dealing with extraordinary circumstances. Their first production, Rumors, was a dizzy deconstruction of, and tribute to, the genre of farce; in its whirlwind, breathless execution, it was an exuberant hit. This

Hop Roast Coffee Beer Festival


Hop Roast Coffee Beer Festival

In the halcyon days of the ‘90s, The Drew Carey Show came up with a concoction called Buzz Beer. Our beloved, dumb main characters had mixed coffee and beer into something both immediately addictive and absolutely disgusting. Anyone from outside their circle would note how nasty it tasted, but still acknowledged the

Electronic eccentricities


Electronic eccentricities

As the years go on, it becomes more and more common for a sighing refrain to ring out among a segment of the population: Oh my God, it's not even Halloween, and the stores are already stocked with Christmas decorations. Yes, Christmas comes earlier every year, and there seems no

Tinder Live


Tinder Live

Online dating has survived years of skepticism and scoffing from those who believe true human connections can only be made in person; for some, admitting that they'd met their significant other on the Internet was felt to be a fairly taboo confession. But, with the Internet increasingly invading every aspect

Gig Harbor Film Festival

South Sound Cinema

Gig Harbor Film Festival

One of the best parts of autumn is the unbridled flow of quality films that tend to inundate theaters. Even disregarding the mainstream output that makes up the majority of what people will be seeing, the Pacific Northwest becomes overrun with film festivals. We've already written about the Destiny City

What Tacoma needs


What Tacoma needs

Hey, look: I've long since admitted that I will first pay attention to a band with an attention-grabbing name. There's no getting around it. I have relegated myself to a world where I'm inundated with bands and sounds that are fated to sound exactly the same. Because of this, I've




I've struggled with how to approach diving into Harlequin Productions' staging of Cymbeline, which it seems is a fairly normal reaction that many have had to the work, since its first production around 400 years ago. One of William Shakespeare's final plays - generally categorized as one of his "late romances,"

Three Easy Pieces

South Sound Cinema

Three Easy Pieces

In Three Easy Pieces, I deconstruct one specific genre of pop culture, from its birth through how it exists today. This month, I'm looking at cartoons for adults. When did animation shift from a medium cultivating imagination in kids to something to expand the minds of grown-ups? BIRTH: Fritz the Cat Honorable mention: Fantastic

Mad musical machines


Mad musical machines

For many casual fans of music, there can be a rigidity to the ways in which a musician is allowed to express themselves. Without necessarily being conscious of it, the listener will pay deference to tradition and professionalism: music is made by guitars, drums and pianos, that look demonstrably how

Dark pop concepts


Dark pop concepts

Concept albums have existed for decades, utilizing a record's full length and capabilities to tell one unifying story. Usually, though, these albums function like short stories: a band or artist gets a bug of an idea and crafts a narrative through 40 or 80 minutes of music. At their most

12th Annual Tacoma Film Festival

South Sound Cinema

12th Annual Tacoma Film Festival

We've survived the cruelly sun-filled dystopia of summer, and have come out on the other side in the slightly darker autumn. Movies suddenly become better. With big theaters soon filling up with Oscar bait, the Tacoma Film Festival (TFF) also returns, celebrating its 12th year of existence, and its selection is

Honestly crazed


Honestly crazed

Folk and punk music have long had a dalliance with one another, existing on a parallel line that encourages musicians to explore their various extremes. It's no secret that the two genres share many of the same values, down to their stripped-down sounds, emphasis on personal narratives, and frequent explorations




Rumors is a play that starts in the middle of a crisis. Rather than easing the audience in through introductions to what will balloon into a whirling dervish of a cast, Rumors begins at a fever pitch, and only ramps up the hysterics as the show goes on. This is a cacophonous farce

Fall music preview


Fall music preview

The fall season approaches, freeing us from the cruelly oppressive sun and getting us prepared to be once more plunged into the cold and darkness that makes the Pacific Northwest special. Well, special and wet. With this change in inclement weather -- because all weather is inclement weather, now --

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