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Saturday, July 24-Sunday, July 25: Pacific Northwest Mushroom Festival

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Saturday, July 24-Sunday, July 25: Pacific Northwest Mushroom Festival

About a dozen local restaurant chefs will prepare mushroom-based delectables and compete for bragging rights and your attention and patronage. How much will it cost you to sample this orgy of fungal sensuality?  Five bucks. Five bucks!  Good luck scoring a mushroom high for less, even

Magic mushrooms in Lacey


Magic mushrooms in Lacey

A Croatian proverb says, "All mushrooms are edible, but some only once."  Thankfully, only about five percent of North American mushrooms are poisonous, with another five percent edible and tasty.  (The other 90 percent taste like ... well, what they grow on.)  And of course there's our good friend

Some kind of funhouse


Some kind of funhouse

One of my earliest memories is reading to my three-years-younger brother Richard.  His favorite book was Roald Dahl's 1964 classic Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, so I must've read it to him four or five times cover to cover.  Yet we didn't see the 1971 movie adaptation in theaters.  Almost

The Moor in Manhattan


The Moor in Manhattan

Before I dig deeper ("For I am nothing, if not critical"), TAO's production of Othello is an able retelling of one of Shakespeare's most plot-driven tragedies with a skilled cast in the hands of a smart director.  It boasts technical polish worthy of a much larger, wealthier troupe.  I say




This is an op-ed piece. It's not the news. You know the news already: We're two and a half months into an ongoing ecological disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, precipitated by an industrial explosion that killed 11 workers and wounded 17 others.  Numerous attempts to cap the broken oil

Through July 18: "Othello"

We Recommend

Through July 18: "Othello"

TAO production of Othello is an able retelling of one of Shakespeare's most plot-driven tragedies with a skilled cast in the hands of a smart director.  It boasts technical polish worthy of a much larger, wealthier troupe. It's a nearly flawless production for people who are tired of Shakespeare's Othello.  Read

The hippy-hippy shake


The hippy-hippy shake

A dozen beautiful women in colorful, flesh-baring harem costumes swayed and undulated as the appreciative crowd cheered them in Turkish and Arabic. The air was filled with trills of ululation. One richly tattooed woman danced in bare feet on stemmed water glasses. Other beauties swirled around each other gracefully while

July 30-31: "Sixties Kicks"

We Recommend

July 30-31: "Sixties Kicks"

Properly speaking, Harlequin Productions' Sixties Kicks isn't musical theater, it's a concert. Five talented young people backed by a killer five-piece rock band sing 37 hits of the 1960s. I'm not a music critic, but I don't have to be Lester Bangs to give

Happy together


Happy together

Properly speaking, Harlequin Productions' Sixties Kicks isn't musical theater, it's a concert. Five talented young people backed by a killer five-piece rock band sing 37 hits of the 1960s. I'm not a music critic, but I don't have to be Lester Bangs to give a thumbs-up to the source material. In

Through June 20: "Plaza Suite"

We Recommend

Through June 20: "Plaza Suite"

Neil Simon's Plaza Suite debuted in 1968, four months before I was born, so it was probably inevitable that I found myself contemplating the passage of time as I watched Olympia Little Theatre's revival.  In three acts, each of which take place in Suite 719 of the

Suite nostalgia


Suite nostalgia

Neil Simon's Plaza Suite debuted in 1968, four months before I was born, so it was probably inevitable that I found myself contemplating the passage of time as I watched Olympia Little Theatre's revival.  In three acts, each of which take place in Suite 719 of the Plaza Hotel in

Risky business


Risky business

The 20th season of Harlequin Productions in Olympia begins this winter, so it was a fine time to sit with founding members Scot and Linda Whitney for a look back.  What began as a fairly routine interview morphed into a fascinating conversation about one of theater's most daunting ongoing challenges: 

Grrrl power in action


Grrrl power in action

Nigel Tufnel:  What's wrong wif bein' sexy?Ian Faith:  Sex-ist! - This Is Spinal Tap Is it OK to be postfeminist yet, or is Western culture still too enslaved by the Patriarchy?  Have we evolved out of feminist Defcon Five?  What if I'm a man?  Can I be postfeminist, or is it

Through June 6: "Schoolhouse Rock Live!"

We Recommend

Through June 6: "Schoolhouse Rock Live!"

I can question like: What is it? If you just chanted, "Verb, you're so demanding," then you're probably in your late 30s or early 40s.  I'm referring, of course, to a lyric from the most dynamic installment of Schoolhouse Rock!, a series of edu-taining cartoon shorts aired between

Nostalgic jukebox musical


Nostalgic jukebox musical

I can question like: What is it? If you just chanted, "Verb, you're so demanding," then you're probably in your late 30s or early 40s.  I'm referring, of course, to a lyric from the most dynamic installment of Schoolhouse Rock!, a series of edu-taining cartoon shorts aired between Saturday morning commercials

Inside the Temple of Doom


Inside the Temple of Doom

"The Tea Party Movement Is a National Embarrassment."  That was Stuart Whatley's assessment on the Huffington Post.  "It is loud, passionate, and generally unconcerned with pesky things like facts or reasoned, practical solutions to the country's problems." Meghan McCain accused the movement of "innate racism."  Bill Maher, never one to

Through May 29: "Six Hotels"

We Recommend

Through May 29: "Six Hotels"

"What's your deal?" one wounded character asks another in Israel Horovitz's Six Hotels, currently making its West Coast premiere at Harlequin Productions in Olympia.  It's an apt tag line for Six Hotels, a disparate collection of one-act plays.  If this anthology has any single uniting theme, it's the exposure

Checking into "Six Hotels"


Checking into "Six Hotels"

"What's your deal?" one wounded character asks another in Israel Horovitz's Six Hotels, currently making its West Coast premiere at Harlequin Productions in Olympia.  It's an apt tag line for Six Hotels, a disparate collection of one-act plays.  If this anthology has any single uniting theme, it's the exposure of

Apples and orphanages


Apples and orphanages

They say you shouldn't compare apples and oranges. Why not? They're both round, they're both fruit - let's face it, they have more in common than not.  I suggest we change this illogical proverb to "Don't compare apples and orphanages," two things that really have nothing in common. Food for

Through May 9: "Inherit the Wind"

We Recommend

Through May 9: "Inherit the Wind"

Director Pug Bujeaud stages a riveting revival of Inherit the Wind in the wonderfully intimate Evergreen Playhouse (no relation).  It's one thing to assess this spin on the "Scopes monkey trial" through a distant proscenium; it's another to be right in the middle of the courtroom as bombastic Matthew

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