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Seaside summer in Port Orchard


Seaside summer in Port Orchard

Let's face it: Washingtonians have varying notions of beach life. If anyone in this region owns a bikini, it's because she owns an indoor pool or just got back from somewhere else. Our beach bunnies are actual rabbits, our beach blankets thermal sleeping bags. Cabanas and hot dog stands give

Idyllic Kubota Garden


Idyllic Kubota Garden

We first visited Kubota Garden only hours after Prince went away. Restoration was desperately needed. Few South Sounders, it seems, have ever heard of Kubota Garden. The park doesn't go out of its way to announce its presence, but it still seems unfair. The suburban hideaway is an easy drive from

Epic Threepenny


Epic Threepenny

German playwright Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) was one serious dude. He called for a new form of live entertainment: "epic theater," in which empathetic identification with the characters was downplayed in favor of sociopolitical reflection. The characters represented movements, not individuals. The audience was meant to feel distanced from the action,

Hot popcorn

South Sound Cinema

Hot popcorn

The hot summer movie season is upon us! Captain America: Civil War, aka the Marvel Comics conflict that'll instigate a pair of Infinity War epics, kicks it off May 6. We know it'll be great already, thanks to overseas critics who saw it first. Thus, we can recommend it to

The many faces of Aimee Mann


The many faces of Aimee Mann

Thanks to the global memory bank that is YouTube, we can all enjoy the boppy little 1981 single "Give Me Your Face." It's a cut off the album Bark Along With the Young Snakes, recorded, not surprisingly, by a Boston post-punk outfit called The Young Snakes. It's an enjoyable tune,

A mystic journey continues


A mystic journey continues

Technically, Arlo Guthrie is a one-hit wonder. Thus saith Billboard, anyway. The only chart hit Guthrie enjoyed was a still-familiar number called "City of New Orleans." You know: "Good mornin', America, how are ya? Don'tcha know me, I'm your favorite son ... " The catch is it's not a song

Out of Africa


Out of Africa

Let's start with the question of "where." The closest Ethiopian eatery to most Weekly Volcano readers is Dukem Restaurant and Market, near the intersection of 518 and 509 highways in Burien. It's in a tightly packed strip mall. Don't let that stand in your way. In fact, bring an empty

Grown-up spring break


Grown-up spring break

If you aren't a proud alumnus of the University of Washington, an afternoon on its campus may seem an odd choice for a single-day Seattle getaway. Still, there's something so memorable about college life that graduates can find themselves recalling a more adventuresome era as they stroll along the Quad.

Front Street


Front Street

If you can sing every word of Disney's Frozen, you're basically a Norway fan. Animators based the fictional kingdom of Arendelle on Akershus Fortress, Bryggen town, and the Norsk Folkemuseum in Oslo. You may have sung "Let It Go" in the shower, imagining yourself wailing away from an ice castle

Branching out


Branching out

According to anthropologists, our distant ancestors were arboreal primates who came down from the trees millions of years ago when the climate changed. According to parents, our children are arboreal apes who will happily climb any convenient tree to regard us from on high. Some things never change. If you'd

Fork this


Fork this

Gentle Reader, a day may come when our appetites diminish, when our desire for food and wine in staggering abundance no longer tugs at our bellies. Our hunger sated, our thirst at long last slaked, we may forsake our annual festivals and content ourselves with the two for $20 menu

Rustic bliss


Rustic bliss

Even as a teenager I dreamed of becoming a writer. I had a particular idea of what that meant. I imagined myself in a lakeside room, a cedar fire crackling away as I pounded out breathtaking prose on the best typewriter money could buy. (It was the early '80s.) I

Rising below


Rising below

Roger Ebert enjoyed telling a story about sharing an elevator with Mel Brooks once, not long after the release of Brooks' film The Producers. A woman got in, scowled at Brooks, and announced, "Your film was nothing but vulgar." "Madam," a miffed Brooks replied, "my film rises below vulgarity." In some ways,

Au naturel


Au naturel

The name of French composer Claude-Achille Debussy may not rattle off your tongue, but you do know his work. "Clair de Lune," from Suite Bergamasque, boasts one of the most beautiful and adored melodies in Western history. Almost as well-known is "Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun," a 10-minute

Oscar parties

South Sound Cinema

Oscar parties

Surely one of the foremost appeals of Hollywood's night of all nights is imagining oneself in attendance. The South Sound offers two big opportunities to share in the glitz and glamour of Oscar night this Feb. 28. I know; I've been there. In a break from current editorial preference, this writer's first-person

2016 Best of Olympia: TUSH! Burlesque


2016 Best of Olympia: TUSH! Burlesque

Oly readers, your choice for Best Synergy, Best Dance Company and Best Thing to Happen in 2015 is spot on this year, as the women of TUSH! Burlesque are all about synergy with you. From their first gig, the "Peekaboo Revue," held in September of 2009 at 4th Ave. Tavern,

2016 Best of Olympia: Capitol Theater

South Sound Cinema

2016 Best of Olympia: Capitol Theater

The Capitol Theater, home of Olympia Film Society (OFS) and your choice for Best Movie Theater, Best Sign and Best All-Ages Venue, is a place where miracles happen. In just the last two weeks, Dan Rather relived his downfall at CBS News, a second-generation clone met her genetic ancestor, and

Avengers assemble!


Avengers assemble!

It's not often we get to break such stories, but a Norse demigod, Thor, has demolished and scattered the fragments of a Cosmic Cube in order to keep it away from his adoptive brother, the trickster deity Loki. The Cube is a battery fashioned by the Beyonders, a higher-dimensional species,

A deeper vision


A deeper vision

According to optometrist and visual injury specialist Dr. Thomas Politzer, "Eighty to eighty-five percent of our perception, learning, cognition and activities are mediated through vision." What we think, in other words, is defined largely by what we've seen. Vision is a marvelous gift, but it can inspire and enable some

The forefront of musical theater


The forefront of musical theater

If you're a Broadway fan, it's easy to look back on shows you experienced as sea changes in the art form, thereby concluding American-style musical comedy evolves in fits and starts. We study Gershwin's Porgy and Bess, for example, the acclaimed musical that featured an all-black cast, but not Clorindy:

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