Nightly: Karaoke

Westgate Bar and Grill

By Volcano Staff on January 26, 2011

Westgate Bar and Grill is pretty much your typical dive bar. A dinner menu of burgers, a smattering of dartboards and barstool bingo. What separates Westgate Bar and Grill from other dives is their nightly karaoke offering.  Nightly. That means seven nights a week there's potential to meet your Celine Dion, your Barry Manilow, your Mick Jagger. Whoever your fantasy crooner might be, Westgate Bar and Grill gives you the opportunity to meet their doppelgänger. Nightly karaoke, all day happy hours and 10 beers on tap definitely have the stars aligned.

[Westgate Bar and Grill, Open until 2 a.m. nightly, 5928 N. 26th St., Tacoma, 253.756.7072]