Mad Hat Tea Company

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1130 Commerce St.
(253) 441-2111

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Northwest Military Review Reviewed by: Natasha Gorbachev

What’s fun about visiting Mad Hat is listening to co-proprietor Tobin Ropes talk about the historical background and/or healing affects of each tea, and the great care that he takes in matching a tea to your personal taste (or in my case, lack thereof).

Also, you must drop into Mad Hat simply to see the space, which feels like a relaxed speakeasy, but with an ambiance that’s as soothing as the tea, botanicals and herbal remedies that they’re offering.

Mad Hat also offers their tea only in whole-leaf form and in its own beautiful packaging. Even better, their tea is organic, fair-trade and sustainably produced.

Also, Mad Hat is such a supporter of the local art scene, and you’ll find several forms of T-Town art throughout the space, and Mad Hat frequently hosts art events. They might not make as much money as they should during these art events, but that just shows what an amazing community partner this small business really is.

It’s these exact businesses that the downtown needs to attract and retain, and all of the reasons above are why I really hope you’ll experience the Mad Hat soon, and in droves.


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