Schneebeck Concert Hall

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University of Puget Sound, 1500 N. Warner
(253) 879-3366

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Northwest Military Review Reviewed by: Volcano Staff

The Schneebeck Concert Hall/School of Music is located in the center of campus to the east of Thompson Hall which fronts Union Avenue. Recommended parking is in the Thompson Parking Lot, located on the east side of North 14th and Union Avenue, or along the east side of Union Avenue. 

The Schneebeck Concert Hall/School of Music is wheelchair accessible.

Bethel Schneebeck and her late husband Edwin Schneebeck have generously supported the University of Puget Sound for decades. In recognition of Mrs. Schneebeck's latest gift and the family's ongoing commitment to Puget Sound, in 2002 the university named its main music performance venue in honor of the Schneebecks, who also were major contributors to the construction of the Fritts organ in Kilworth Chapel, dedicated in 1989.  Mrs. Schneebeck is the mother and grandmother of UPS graduates, and in 1982 she was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Arts degree.


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