STINK - Cheese and Meat

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628 St Helens Ave
Tacoma, WA 98402
(235) 555-5555

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Northwest Military Review Reviewed by: Jennifer Johnson

For those wondering how a wine bar, a deli and a restaurant will fit in the one space Kris Blondin and partner Jack Noble secured in downtown Tacoma, it's simple ... it won't.

"STINK is not a bar, it's an elevated deli. Not a restaurant, not even your typical deli, we're taking it farther than that," says Blondin (who, full disclosure, has contributed to the Weekly Volcano in the past).

STINK - Cheese & Meat has seating for around two dozen people. It featurse an industrial-style deli with old-world cured meats and gourmet, handmade cheeses you just can't get at the grocery store. The menu of "eclectic comfort food," as Blondin refers to it, includes lunch and light dinner fare, and conversation-inspiring beer and wine selections.


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