Johnny's at Fife

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5211 20th St.E.
Fife,WA 98424
(253) 922-6686

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Northwest Military Review Reviewed by: Steph DeRosa

This place is a throwback to the '70s with no marks of wear and tear. Every shiny, tear-free, cushy booth and captain chair offers perfect viewing for their infamously busy Karaoke nights. And let me tell you, the Karaoke at Johnny's is no joke. I expected Robert Goulet to pop out of the wood paneling and break into a throaty verse. Who knew Fife was such a hot traveler's destination? I sure as hell never would've guessed it. Conveniently located within the same parking lot as Motel 6 off Interstate 5 in Fife, Johnny's at Fife restaurant hosts a gift shop that rivals the Bellagio in Las Vegas. No, not really. It was easy to sink into the Johnny's comfort for a few hours as I downed $1 Bud Light drafts and watched my boys in tight pants throw around the pigskin on TV. Nothing was dirty, cluttered, or weird about Johnny's lounge - it simply felt like my living room, wood paneling and all.


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