McMenamins Spar Cafe & Bar

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114 4th Ave E
Olympia WA 98501
(360) 357-6444

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Northwest Military Review Reviewed by: Volcano Staff

McMenamins bought and reopened the historic Spar Cafe in 2007, retaining its original name after renovations. The diner and bar has returned to the basic design it had when it first opened in 1935 with wide open spaces and a bar running the full length of the restaurant plus pool tables next to a one-tank brewing facility.

The Spar houses the smallest brewery of all McMenamins’ properties and uses Olympia’s water, taken directly from the artesian spring that bubbles directly into the operation. McMenamins ales, including the pub's namesake Spartesian Ale (first conceived by former Washington Brewery Manager Tony Balzola) are brewed onsite by Kyle Jungck.

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