Pierce College Fort Steilacoom

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9401 Farwest Drive Southwest
Lakewood, WA 98498-1999
(253) 964-6527


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Northwest Military Review Reviewed by: Volcano Staff

Pierce College first opened in 1967 in an abandoned Albertson's grocery store in downtown Lakewood. The store was converted into administrative offices, a library, and classrooms. The 1,500 students enrolled took classes at the so-called "Albertson's U," as well as at high schools around the county, and at special sites established at Fort Lewis and McChord Air Force Base.

Originally known as Clover Park Community College, it then became Fort Steilacoom Community College and a new permanent campus was established on 135 acres overlooking Fort Steilacoom Park and Waughop Lake. A campus wa slater opened in Puyallup

The board of trustees in 1986 rededicated the college as Pierce College, designating the two main campuses as Pierce College Fort Steilacoom and Pierce College Puyallup.


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