Sunday, May 2: Beltaine and May Day Celebration

Crescent Moon Gifts

By Bobble Tiki on April 28, 2010

On the heels of the über-successful Third Annual Spring Fairy Festival - which reportedly drew upwards of 15 fairies - Crescent Moon Gifts is back this week with a Beltaine celebration and May Day celebration all wrapped into one. Beltaine, for those unaccustomed to Gaelic ways, is both the Gaelic word for "May," and an annual Celtic festival celebrating springtime hope and the coming harvest. It's totally pagan, yo. May Day, of course, is, well, May Day. Both are typically celebrated on the first day of May, but apparently Crescent Moon Gifts is throwing pagan convention to the wind. Expect floral wreaths, maypoles, and some fairy fun - as well as a pagan potluck from 4-6 p.m.

Prediction: Bobble Tiki's deviled eggs will go fast at the pagan potluck. If there's one thing pagans enjoy, it's deviled eggs.

Crescent Moon Gifts

Sunday, May 2, 4-6 p.m.

2712 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.572.8339