Friday, Aug. 20-Sunday, Aug. 22: Helsing Junction Sleepover

Helsing Junction organic farm

By Volcano Staff on August 19, 2010

Billed appropriately as a "Countryside Freak-out! (in the gentlest of ways)," the annual Helsing Junction Sleepover happens this weekend in rural Thurston County. One of the best ideas K Records has probably ever had - which is saying something - the Sleepover is a multi-day music fest partnering purveyors of local, free-range, organic music (K Records), with purveyors of local organic sustenance (the Helsing Junction organic farm). This year's lineup includes LAKE, Polka Dot Dot Dot, Razz M Tazz and many more.

[Helsing Junction organic farm, $30 three-day pass, 12013 Independence Rd.