Friday, July 8: You Are Plural


By Rev. Adam McKinney on July 6, 2011

The music of You Are Plural is so immediately, vibrantly engaging that it can be almost jarring. The first song on Hand it Over, the band's debut LP, is a spryly shuddering meeting of strings and bubbling electronic instrumentation that sweeps along the lovely vocals of the female lead. The rest of the album is similarly entrancing - tuneful, Sufjan Stevens-esque chamber pop laid gently over a bed of fluttering keyboards. Even as the album floats along smoothly, a tension begins to arise from the restless twinkling of those keys. Listening to You Are Plural becomes a waiting game, wherein one uneasily anticipates the moment when a song may come crashing off the tracks. It makes for an exciting listen and, I'm betting, an intriguing live performance. 

[Northern, with Yesway, Solid Home Life, The Range of Light Wilderness, 8 p.m., $5, 321 Fourth Ave., Olympia]