Through Sunday, July 24: "Oleanna"

Olympia Little Theatre

By Christian Carvajal on July 20, 2011

Look, this isn't a review. I'm in Oleanna, so I'm hardly unbiased, but I hope you'll take my word for it that this play has impact. (Our Tacoma critics will be unable to attend.) Whatever you may think of David Mamet or his he-man gender politics, two weekends of this show have proven to me that when it's over, people want to talk. They want to talk to each other, and to us. They want to know what Carol meant by her "group." They want to know why the professor keeps answering his phone at the least helpful moments. They argue over which character presented the better argument. Most of all, they want to gripe for hours about the most infuriating teacher they ever had ... and they're grinning from ear to ear.

To read Christian Carvajal's full story, click here.
[Olympia Little Theatre, Theater Artists Olympia's Oleanna, $12, 8 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, 2 p.m. Saturday-Sunday, 1925 Miller Ave. NE, Olympia, 360.357.3471]