Saturday, Sept. 17: Tacoma Noise Rodeo

Caffe Dei

By Volcano Staff on September 12, 2011

Chris Lehfeldt digs chiptune music - synthesized electronic music often produced with the sound chips of old computers and video game consoles. He and his fellow chiptuners host a yearly chiptune event in Seattle.

"My own music has always been more ambient and noisy even though I use a lot of chiptune elements so I decided to try and set up a show in Tacoma that would cater more toward the chiptune sound," says Lehfeldt, aka Infradead.

Lehfeldt contacted Caffe Dei on Sixth Avenue, contacted experimental bandsBagger288, Full On and Firedrill and Saturday's Tacoma Noise Rodeo was out of the chutes.

To read the full feature on the Tacoma Noise Rodeo, click here.

Tacoma Noise Rodeo

Bagger288, Full On, Firedrill, Infradead
Saturday, Sept. 17, 8 p.m., no cover
Caffe Dei, 2607 Sixth Ave., Tacoma