Friday, Feb. 17: The Finisterra Piano Trio

Schneebeck Concert Hall

By Volcano Staff on February 15, 2012

Right alongside all the LMFAO in our iPods there's a shit-ton of jams from The Finisterra Piano Trio, a Seattle-based outfit formed in 2003 and glowingly referred to as, "one of the most recognized chamber ensembles in the Northwest."

What can we say?

There's just not much that gets the party started like when the Finisterra Piano Trio busts into a piano number form Russia or the Czech Republic.

Don't believe us?

Well, see for yourself Friday at the University of Puget Sound when the Finisterra Piano Trio does just that - giving audiences an entire evening of music from Russia and the Czech Republic in a performance fittingly titled, "Finisterra Piano Trio Plays Music From Russia and the Czech Republic."

Part of the Jacobsen Series of concerts, the UPS website says to expect works by Czech composers Antonin Dvorák and Josef Suk, and Russian composers Anton Arensky and Rodion Shchedrin.

[The University of Puget Sound - Schneebeck Concert Hall, 7:30 p.m., $12.50 general admission, $8.50 seniors, free for current UPS students, 1500 N. Warner, Tacoma, 253.879.3419,]