Sunday, March 18 & 25: Tall Tales and Silly Songs

The Midnight Sun Performance Space

By Volcano Staff on March 17, 2012

Entertainer and storyteller extraordinaire Elizabeth Lord returns to the stage the next two Sundays in support of the venue she's been such a huge part of over the years - the Midnight Sun. Designed as an interactive variety show geared toward young audiences featuring the wit of Lord and the musical contributions of local favorites Scuff & Al, "Tall Tales and Silly Songs" is part of the "Save The Sun" benefit series, with proceeds going to Prodigal Sun Productions, the managing non-profit organization for The Midnight Sun Performance Space.

[The Midnight Sun Performance Space, 2 & 4 p.m., $5 youth, $10 adult, all ages, 113 N. Columbia St., Olympia]