Tuesday, April 17: Joanne Rand


By Volcano Staff on April 9, 2012

Club hopping can be overrated, especially when the weather is a snarling blast of rain and wind that makes one think twice about even leaving the couch. Some nights we like to stake out a place at a club and hang out for a while, maybe have a meal, a few adult beverages, and listen to music that doesn't invite itself into our head with an axe handle.

Other nights we want to snuggle in a Zen-like environment and stream soulful acoustic tunes.

Tuesday, with rain in the forecast, we can bathe in both worlds.

Psychedelic folk revivalist Joanne Rand - whose website and publicity photos picture her soaking wet - will drop by Fusion Integrated Body Studio for a night of avant-garde Appalachian traditionals, southern blues-rock and original orchestral compositions about the human condition and interacting with nature. You might have seen her back in the early '90s when she was an integral part of the Seattle music scene. Today, she calls Northern California home, and every rag in that area has printed the word "best" next to her name.

Grab an umbrella and soak in a true talent Tuesday.

[Fusion, with The Hinges, Tuesday, April 17, 8 p.m., $10 advance at RAINY Day Records, 413 door, 302 Columbia St. NW, Olympia, 360.918.3740]