Grandstaff Memorial Library

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  • 5/5 Star Rating.

Based on 1 Rating

Bldg 2109, N 10th & Pendleton
JBLM-Lewis Main WA 98433
(253) 967-5889

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User Reviews of Grandstaff Memorial Library (1)

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  • 5/5 Star Rating.

Tami Grandstaff-Chamberlain said on Nov. 09, 2013 at 6:46pm

This library was built and dedicated in memory of my Father, Bruce Alan Grandstaff. He was killed in action on May 18, 1967 and awarded our nation's highest award for heroism and bravery, the Congressional Medal of Honor. I love and miss my Father very much. I appreciate the library is named for him because hundreds of thousands of people have walked through those doors to better their lives. Although there was nothing in place for his own children to help us with the loss of our father, there was an exhibit entitled "Children's Emotions" validating a child's reality of parental deployment. I appreciate that the Special Olympics is held on the very grounds of my Daddy's library because I have a little girl who was born with Down Syndrome. I know my Dad continues to watch over me and if you look for his name in any browser, you will see that many wonderful things have been taking place to honor his memory, even an Act of Congress to rename the VA Hospital for him. I help bring awareness for Military and Gold Star Children which recognizes and further encourages Veterans and the families who serve with them. hope you all have a wonderful Veterans Day. We all know the true meaning of Veterans Day. God Bless You.


Tami Grandstaff-Chamberlain
Gold Star Daughter of a National Hero
Bruce Alan Grandstaff (KIA 5/18/67)
Posthumous Recipient of the
Congressional Medal of Honor

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