The Fun Police

The Fun Police

S.A.C. Sam - (Accordian, Guitar)
Sargent Snake - (Bass, Vocals)
Ranger Ruffhousen - (Vocals, Guitar)
Brigadier B.Ski - (Drums, Bells)
Deputy D. - (Guitar, Vocals)
Veteran Van Wagoner(Vocals)
Judge Jeff - (Pecussion,Soundsmith)
Commissioner Gordon- (Fiddle)


All too often in these modern times, the laws that protect us from danger squelch Fun along while promoting safety. In that irony lays the genesis of The Fun Police, a genre-defying, Tacoma-based, music collective that loves to poke fun at the quirks of contemporary life.

An ever-growing squad, The Fun Police’s danceable musical arsenal is packed for action with viola, accordion, several vocalists, guitars, bass, drums, djembe, timbales, various flutes, and glockenspiel. Their primarily self-composed songs range from reggae to punk, country to experimental, all with roots in a upbeat rocking folk style. Subjects as diverse as wandering the world, bad vacation behavior, personal relationships all find their way into The Fun Police sets.

With a century of music experience, The Fun Police are fueled by their veteran musical force. Ranger Ruffhousen, one of the two founders, and Secret Agent Sam, both share musical history with Helter Skipper and the Gilligan Mansons, Cheeky White Devils, and The Xenophiles; Sergeant Snake, Brigadier B.Ski, and Deputy D. joined the squad from Grasshopper II, Ladle of Gruel, and Philo Gant; and recent rookie additions to the force include Judge Jeff, Agent Zed Zero, and Commissioner Gordon. Major Cox, also a co-founder, is currently on desk duty.

The Fun Police have a lot of history together, both musically and personally. The force’s songs were composed floating rivers, spelunking vacant mines, pub crawling sidewalks, and summoning a higher power in the presence of a campfire as many members of the collective are life-long friends who grew up together in Puyallup.

The Fun Police have two releases to date, the self titled 2008 EP and 2009 full length CD, You Better Run, and return to the studio in March 2010 for the first of two more planned discs. You Better Run is available as either a download or physical CD on,, or at live shows.

Find more information regarding The Fun Police at their website,
Booking for The Fun Police is handled by As You Are Entertainment,
Band management handled by Shock Treatment Management,, both located in Tacoma.

FREE Spring Break EP available until June 2010 at

Audio Tracks

The Fun Police

  1. The Fun Police - Gringo Meringue

  2. The Fun Police - Rather Be Dead


Comments about "The Fun Police"

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Kevin H. said on Jan. 19, 2010 at 11:07pm

These guys just rock... Hard to classify, always fun live, and a blast to throw in the CD player or to have come up on shuffle.

I highly recommend both the live show, and their CD.

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Stuart Heston said on Jan. 20, 2010 at 1:22pm

As polite and reverent as possible, thanks for the link, music I may not otherwise have a chance to hear. Please come to the midwest. No classification necessary, really good music.

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Joy Bonney said on Feb. 02, 2010 at 4:35pm

I love these guys and not just cause I work with them, or do i work with them cause i love them? Either way thanks for getting this up here Kev! See ya tonight!

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Grandma Cat said on Feb. 20, 2010 at 5:58pm

Whoo hooo! if you haven't heard of The Fun Police yet, all I can say, is where have you been this last year? This dynamic music collective dabbles in multiple musical genres, but just can't get too serious about any subject matter. From South of the Border Caribbean and Central American rhythms, to American Blues and Punk, to Asian influences to Folk, The Fun Police refuse to be categorized. A show or disc can take you almost anywhere from recent Tacoma history to the Goodwill or dumpster diving, to exploring the world to everyday experiences, their subject matter is always entertaining and wide ranging. Seriously. You need to see The Fun Police.

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