Denise Dhane - a powerhouse of military support

By Melissa Renahan on May 11, 2011

For Denise Dhane there are two types of people in the world: those who ‘get it' and those who don't. It's a phrase she uses freely when someone understands the sacrifices of the military or bestows generosity and goodwill to any of the servicemembers at Joint Base Lewis-McChord. Quite simply, those people ‘get it'.

Dhane, who is married to Col. (Ret) John Dhane, is a fixture in the JBLM community and known for her diligent devotion to the Soldiers, especially those downrange. She founded Operation Make a Soldier Smile, which sends hundreds of packages to deployed troops each year, and often adopts a brigade at a time to support. Her latest coup came in the form of the 2010 Super Bowl MVP, New Orleans Saints' quarterback, Drew Brees.

In 2009, during the 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team's deployment to Afghanistan, they had lost a large number of soldiers from the 1-17 Infantry Battalion in rapid succession and the loss was felt everywhere on JBLM. Dhane, who had been sending packages to 5th SBCT, was devastated.

Then she happened to see LTC Jon Neumann, commander of the 1-17, while he was home on R&R, and the Super Bowl came up in conversation. Neumann proceeded to tell her about one of his most recent losses, Sgt. Patrick Williamson, who was known throughout the battalion as an avid Saints fan. So, in honor of Williamson and their fallen brothers, Neumann informed Dhane that they were all pulling for a New Orleans' win. 

Within a week, Dhane was on a plane to the Big Easy with signs that showcased 5th SBCT and then she stood in front of Brees' house for a few days vying for attention. Unfortunately, Brees was away and Dhane had to settle for leaving a note.

Months passed with no response, yet Dhane was determined. She began to call in any connections she had in her former home city and eventually was given a direct number for Nick Karl, Director of Community Relations for the Saints.

Karl said that he would talk to Brees, but warned her not to expect too much. Still not satisfied with her chances, Dhane then hired a PR firm, which worked for her on a pro-bono basis after hearing the story.

"Things stalled a few times, but then they got back on track," Dhane said. "I was at a coffee shop and I got a phone call from Karl to check my email. So I took a deep breath and did it."

The email held the link to the video she'd been working for, a personally recorded message by Brees for the Soldiers of 5th SBCT that welcomed them home and most importantly, thanked them for their service. Following their redeployment in 2010, the video was distributed to every battalion commander in 5th SBCT and Dhane said that she continually runs into soldiers who mention it to her.

"The one word that describes Denise is compassionate," said Kathy French, wife of Lt. Col. Jeffrey French, 2-1 IN Battalion Commander for (now) 2nd SBCT. "She is just a buzzing bee, all around, always into something that will benefit these Soldiers."

So, mission accomplished? Not for this tireless champion of JBLM Soldiers.

In early March, Dhane is heading down to the Saints' training facility to thank to Karl in person...and maybe meet a certain player. If she does happen to run into Brees, the plan is to talk him into visiting JBLM to meet the Stryker Soldiers face-to-face.

"He's active with the USO and other organizations, he is a good person. I think if I can talk to him for five minutes I can make it happen," Dhane said with a laugh. "I know he gets it, that entire organization gets it...and besides, I'm pretty convincing."