Adopt-A-Company program excels in its pilot year

Members of Lakewood Chamber adopt Stryker Brigade soldiers

By Melissa Renahan on December 28, 2009

Before the 4th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division Strykers deployed this past September, Col. Norris, brigade commander, was looking to build a stronger relationship between the local business community and his soldiers. He wanted to establish an Adopt-A-Company program, which would pair businesses with a specific company. The thought was that this would be "do-able" since they'd only be taking on 50 to 200 men and women, instead of the entire 4,000 troops.

Since 4/2 ID already had an established Community Connections program with the City of Lakewood, they approached the Lakewood Chamber of Commerce to spearhead this adoption project.

"We thought this was a great way to support them, so we immediately began contacting members and asking if they had interest in supporting a company and response was extremely positive," explained Linda Smith, Chamber president. Within a short time, over 50 organizations had stepped up to adopt all of the Stryker Brigade companies.

Nadine Hamilton, manager of ACC Tech, was more than happy to get her office involved since her own husband is former military, as are the company's owners.

"It is easier to get people to donate when it is this personal. These are not blind donations - we know exactly where it all goes," Hamilton said.

Before the deployment there was a meet and greet evening when the participating businesses had the opportunity to meet face-to-face with the individual company commanders. Basic suggestions for demonstrating support were sending care packages, letters and emails.

"Prior to this program, we'd donate the facility, including a free dinner, to military groups needing space," said Greg Bakamis, tegional operations manager for Great American Casino. "But this allowed us to focus on one group of soldiers and give more."

Many of the sponsoring organizations also attended the Brigade's Deployment Ball and were able to sit down with the soldiers they adopted. Smith even recounts the story of one sponsor who helped put a wedding together for a couple after meeting them at the ball. From the rehearsal dinner to the flowers, the sponsor was able to solicit generous donations and make it happen in only a week.

"We're especially proud of the small businesses and organizations that have signed up for this relatively low-cost (or no-cost) show of support for those who protect us every day," Smith said.

Other local businesses that have adopted a 4/2 ID company include America's Credit Union, Pioneer Services, Harborstone Credit Union, LeMay, Inc. and South Sound Inspections.