2nd Brigade Soldiers sharpen their skills

Support Battalion graduates from Personal Security Detachment Orientation Course

By Sgt. 1st Class Christopher M. Harris on August 19, 2011

Soldiers from the 2nd Brigade Support Battalion (BSB), 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT), 2nd Infantry Division took the challenge and graduated the Personal Security Detachment (PSD) Orientation Course July 29 at the Mustang Battalion Headquarters on Joint Base Lewis-McChord.

The PSD Orientation Course is for those select few Soldiers who can meet the challenge to deploy as the Battalion Personal Security Detachment Team (PSD Team). The intense training began with 32 Soldiers who were hand selected from the BSB's five companies. Seventeen graduated. The course tested their ability to secure convoy equipment and personnel by rigorous mental and physical assessments.

The program is divided into individual and team-concept trainings, including tactical use of firearms; close quarter combatives; battle damage; recovery; and field medical care. Training emphasizes advanced driving techniques; route/threat analysis; convoy operations; detecting surveillance; Improvised Explosive Device (IED) recognition and response; cultural awareness; and language training.

The course relies heavily on scenario-based training, which is given by highly trained subject matter experts. Training is physically and mentally challenging, and the selected instructors possess a wealth of knowledge with respect to the protection of high value individuals traveling in high-threat environments. This fast-paced program deals with attacks in and around vehicles and buildings as well as attacks on foot patrol escorts. Soldiers are put to the test and pushed to their own personal limits.

"This exercise helped us work as a team and actually become familiar with the equipment that we'd never used before," said Sgt. William Steele, one of the trainees. "We learned what our weaknesses are and focused on them to improve ourselves and make the team operate better as a whole."

The BSB Personal Security Detachment Training sharpens Soldiers' skills. "It's not about us, but it's about the Soldiers that are going through this training and what we can teach them to better themselves physically and mentally," said Staff Sgt. Kyle McLaughlin, PSD Noncommissioned Officer in Charge. During the course, Soldiers were evaluated by both cadre and each other and had an opportunity to excel in a number of areas.  

The course's Distinguished Honor Graduate was Sgt. Jack Harmon and Honor Graduate was Pfc. Ethan Luce.  Other Soldiers recognized were Staff Sgt. Douglas Kimm (lead motivator); Cpl. Andrew Weaver (top at communications); Spc. Steven Downs (best battle damage assessment and recovery); Spc. Ryan Scates (best team player); Spc. Veronica Davis (top in combatives); Pfc. Daniel Smith (top night land navigator); and Pfc. Rafael Stabe (top medical lanes scorer).