71 improvements for you

VA report lists top customer experience initiatives you can now get

By U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs on

WASHINGTON- The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA) today released the VA Customer Experience Accomplishments Report detailing 71 major initiatives to improve customer service for veterans, their families, caregivers and survivors.

Improving customer service as a top priority at VA was established in 2018 and it challenged the department to rethink VA customer interactions, designating the Veterans Experience Office as the "voice of the veteran."

"The goal is to provide veterans a modern, streamlined and responsive customer experience," said VA Secretary Robert Wilkie. "VA actively engages in efforts that maximize the collective impact of stakeholders delivering federal, state and local services for improving outcomes where veterans live, work and raise their families."

Veterans have validated VA's efforts with trust in VA health care reaching an all-time high in April and VA-wide trust up 16 points since Jan. 2016. Relying on 5.7 million real-time responses from 66 customer feedback surveys to improve service recovery and guide program improvements, the report shares the accomplishments representing major achievements in the strategic deployment of VEO's shared CX capabilities to include:

VA has integrated this culture of customer service for creating the department's first customer service policy and CX directive, codifying customer experience principles in the Code of Federal Regulations and publishing a practitioner's guide - the CX cookbook to help other government agencies adopt customer-centric principles as part of its role as the Lead Agency Partner for the President's Management Agenda Cross-Agency Priority Goal on Improving Customer Experience with Federal Services.

Watch the State of Veteran Customer Experience for more information or visit the Veterans Experience Office.