Washington VFW names Humanitarian of the Year

Award is given to member who supports other local vets, communities

By Melissa Renahan on July 25, 2011

This week, the State of Washington Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) named its 2010-2011 Humanitarian of the Year. Clarence Hall, post quartermaster for VFW Post 91 in Tacoma, received the award in recognition of his tireless efforts volunteering to support other local veterans and the surrounding community.

Competition was stiff, and Hall, a retired 76-year-old Navy captain, was selected from more than 29,000 members from 123 different VFW posts statewide.  The award was presented to Hall by Carlos Alameda, Washington State commander of the VFW, during a ceremony held July 11.

Hall's peers estimate that he spends 90 percent of each day helping someone other than himself and always with pure intentions. Whether that means shuttling neighbors to doctors' appointments, visiting fellow veterans in the hospital or delivering food vouchers to the needy for his church, Hall takes care of it all. He also volunteers to call monthly bingo games at American Lake, collects funds for Sears' Heroes at Home holiday project and always makes the time to attend and assist with veteran funerals.

"I don't know how he gets his energy to do all of this as he is more than 20 years my senior," observed Elmer Clark, commander of VFW Post 91. "But like the Energizer Bunny, he keeps going. He is an inspiration for all to follow and a true humanitarian."