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Gas prices brings us down.

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Doyle’s Public House announced recently that it will offer three strips of tasty bacon for $1 as part of its bar menu. Pork fact No. 1: Bacon from the indigenous South American peccary, a piggy relative, is said to be one of the favorite foods of Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec sky and creator god. Pork fact No. 2: For $8, you can buy an 8 oz. jar of Bacon Jam on eBay. That’s actually true. If that seems like the stupidest thing you could ever possibly do … ever … consider going to Doyle’s and making your own. Recipe — six strips of bacon, mashed with the bottom of a beer mug, and half a Guinness. Trust us. PLUS 1

Sonic Corporation franchise Sonic Northwest Inc. has announced it will open six drive-ins in Pierce County by the end of the year. According to the company’s Web site, Sonic specializes in made-to-order fast food. “Unique” (with an emphasis on the quote-unquote) menu items include Toaster Sandwiches, served on thick Texas Toast, fresh-cut onion rings, Tater Tots, and a mix-and-match beverage array sporting 168,000 possible combinations. We’re just glad for a chance to sate all the cravings created by the damn Sonic commercials that have been running on Comcast and Click! Network for the past three years. Way to catch up with yourself, Sonic. PLUS 2

Maj. Margaret Witt, a flight nurse based at McChord Air Force Base challenged the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy and won. In 2004 Witt was suspended without pay after the Air Force found out she had been in a long-term relationship with a civilian woman. In October of last year they discharged her. She was two years short of eligibility for retirement benefits. Witt tried suing the Air Force but lost. However, just last week the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Seattle reinstated her case in a decision that opens the door for repealing the draconian policy that says homosexuals can serve in the military so long as they remain closeted.

Under Wednesday’s ruling, military officials “need to prove that having this particular gay person in the unit really hurts morale, and the only way to improve morale is to discharge this person,” says Aaron Caplan, a staff attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington state who worked on the case.  This latest ruling doesn’t overturn “don’t ask, don’t tell,” but it’s a first nail in its coffin. PLUS 2

Tuesday, May 27, The Washington Transportation Commission voted to increase the toll for motorists crossing the new Tacoma Narrows Bridge by $1. Barring an appeal of the vote, beginning July 1 motorists who stop at the booth to pay the toll will be charged $4, and drivers with electronic, Good to Go accounts will be charged $2.75. While the new rates are intended to reflect the cost of collection, something tells me that won’t make it any easier for those who make daily trips across the new bridge to stomach the toll increase. MINUS 2

Gas hit $4 a gallon over Memorial Day weekend. And there’s no relief in sight. It now takes a small loan or the black market sale of your first born to fill up. MINUS 5 

Total  Pluses: 5       

Total  Minuses: 7

This Week’s Total:  MINUS 2      

Last Week’s Total:  PLUS 3

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