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Culver speaks

Worthy show at Jazzbones on Sunday will feature Vicci Martinez

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This week I was swamped. I’m no horn tooter, but with Pappi Swarner drinking umbrella drinks in Maui and a cover story to write on Tuesday’s historic election, I had a lot on my plate — to say the least.

There’s not much easier way for a journalist to generate content than the e-mail interview. You just send questions off into the ether, and they magically come back answered.

There’s also not much crazier a fellow in Tacoma than Jazzbones’ Sean Culver. If you know Jazzbones, you know Culver — probably because he’s gotten drunk and talked your ear off about communism or bummed a ride to his mom’s house from you. He’s been working his way up the Jazzbones food chain, and after starting as the guy tasked with effeminately answering the phone, Culver now is in charge of all Jazzbones booking duties.

If there’s one guy in Tacoma worthy of the e-mail interview, it’s Sean Culver.

Luckily, this Sunday, Nov. 2, Jazzbones has a show worth talking about. Tacoma’s favorite little barefooted, singing, songwriting, dynamo Vicci Martinez — along with Katie Gray and Olivia De La Cruz — will be laying it down at an early all-ages performance. Proceeds will go toward an unusual and worthy cause. Here’s what Culver had to say . 

Weekly Volcano: Talk to me about how Sunday’s benefit show came about. The Jazzbones Web site says it’s a benefit for Nadine Rose Moody. What’s the deal?

Culver: Nadine is the cousin of a person involved with Jazzbones and she recently passed away. She was only 20. It’s super sad. She passed due to an accidental overdose of prescription drugs. This benefit is both to honor the life of Nadine and to increase awareness about the dangers that prescription drugs can pose.

WV: The lineup of performers is impressive. How’d you put it together?

Culver: This was actually put together by Michelle Amiotte, an employee of the “Jazzbones Empire” and Nadine’s cousin. She has been incredibly strong for her family and has put in a ton of time setting up this great bill. And all the artists were very interested in being a part of this. That’s one of the great things about the Tacoma art scene, from painters to musicians there are talented folks who are not just trying to promote their own careers but are also willing to give back to the community.

WV: I hear you’re the main “powerhouse” at Jazzbones these days. Is this what you envisioned for yourself when you were a young boy?

Culver: I have always had dreams of world domination and I knew that Tacoma would be my starting point. We have a great team here at Jazzbones. But really, it’s all about me. I plan on running Tacoma within a year, Matthew. Maybe I will announce my candidacy for mayor? Maybe I will take your job at the Volcano.

WV: What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done while drunk in the last four months?

Culver: I’m not sure I like the tone of your question. Fist, it assumes I drink in great quantities. Second, it assumes I do dumb things while drinking. Lately I’ve been brilliant in my intoxication. I’ve written novels and performed oral surgery. All while drunk! Oh, and I got caught making out with someone I didn’t want to get caught making out with, but that wasn’t nearly as embarrassing as the time you and I got drunk and made out at the … maybe I shouldn’t talk about that time.

WV: Shhh. Don’t talk. That was special.

Culver: Viva la Revolucion!

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