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Bump Kitchen

Bobble Tiki puts the "bump" in Bump Kitchen

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Bobble Tiki likes to say he put the “bump” in Bump Kitchen — always pointing toward his lap and doing one of those pelvic thrust moves with a wink. Typically, Bobble Tiki does this at Bump Kitchen shows, when trying to lure unsuspecting middle aged women drunk on white wine on to the dance floor.

Sometimes it even works.

At a Bump Kitchen show, there’s plenty of action like this to be had. Packing the dance floor with a body grabbing, booty shaking mix of groovin’ favorites and bumpin’ originals, Bump Kitchen is, like, the party band for the middle age club scene — a cougar heavy, expensive jeans wearing, tanned and trimmed mob that should never be taken lightly.

Saturday, March 7, Bump Kitchen will celebrate the release of the band’s new CD, Who Ordered the Waffle?, with a show at Jazzbones in Tacoma. There’s no reason to expect this night to be anything less than the typical, sweaty, gyrating fracas that every Bump Kitchen show eventually turns into.

Before that, tonight Bump Kitchen will test drive a few songs from that new record at the Tacoma Landmark Convention Center, playing as part of the I Corps Courage Ball — an invite-only event for troops heading to Iraq.

“Fans, old and new, can expect a whole new recipe — a remodeled sound that employs more vocals and a stronger funk element,” explains Joe Bevins, Bump Kitchen’s bass guitarist.

“This album is a true testament to who and what Bump Kitchen represents,” adds drummer Everett James.
“Jazzbones is one of our favorite clubs to play,” continues James about Jazzbones, just one of a number of local venues where Bump Kitchen inspires plenty of bumping — amongst a growing and loyal legion of fans.

“Our following in the Northwest is strong because we love to play for the fans, and we never take them for granted,” says Dave Broyles, Bump Kitchen’s guitarist. “We bring it every show.”

[Jazzbones, Saturday, March 7, 9:30 p.m., $10, 2803 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.396.9169]

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