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Thursday, May 27: AU


AYU, photo by Daniel Addy/MySpace

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AU is a band shrinking in the aftermath of having recently been hotly engorged. Ballooning from a solo bedroom pop act to a remarkable 20 members, it became an experimental chamber pop collection that utilized every hand and voice in creating thickly orchestrated arrangements.

These days, due mostly to the complications of maintaining such an enormous entity, AU is only a duo, led by founder Luke Wyland. Far from being a detriment, the reduction of band members has seemed to concentrate and accentuate the drama inherent in Wyland's songwriting. As an accompanist, drummer Dana Valatka is more than capable, bringing about urgent catharsis when the songs threaten to overwhelm.


With Ocean Age and Pill Wonder
Thursday, May 27, 9 p.m., all ages, $6
Northern, 321 Fourth Ave., Olympia

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