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Friday, May 28: Sedan

The New Frontier Lounge


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Does it make me kind of a prig if I need lyrics in my songs? I mean, I can understand, intellectually, that a song usually has no more or less meaning as a result of the words it contains, but come on. Give me the illusion of a story. Maybe I'm just too lazy, my attention span too low, for instrumental music. But, regardless of my musical hang-ups, I can appreciate a band like Sedan. Every instrumental band purports to "tell a story" with their music, but I think Sedan actually comes pretty close to taking me on a journey. Using only drums and piano, with the occasional electronic ornamentation, Sedan creates moody, sometimes thrashing, instrumental music that is far from boring ... even to me.


With Western Hymn and Sad Horse
Friday, May 28, 10 p.m.
The New Frontier Lounge,301 E. 25th St., Tacoma

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