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Through Feb. 13: "The Drowsy Chaperone

Tacoma Musical Playhouse

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The opening lines of Tacoma Musical Playhouse's production The Drowsy Chaperone epitomize what I have thought every time I've waited for one of the theater company's shows to begin: "Dear God, please let it be a good show. And let it be short, oh, Lord in Heaven, please. Two hours is fine, three hours is too much."

TMP's website claims, "This is the show for you!" But it was still with a small amount of trepidation that I took my seat, hoping against hope that TMP wasn't just spouting wishful thinking. The lights dimmed and the voice of Director/Choreographer/lead character (Man in the Chair) Jon Douglas Rake came out of the darkness and delivered his monologue.

Cutting to the chase ... sweet hallelujah! TMP succeeded.

Read my full review of the show here.

[Tacoma Musical Playhouse, The Drowsy Chaperone, through Feb. 13, 8 p.m. Friday-Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday, 7116 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.565.6867]

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