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Friday, May 13: All Eyes West

The New Frontier Lounge

All Eyes West

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Chicago's All Eyes West make radio-ready pop-punk - an odd change of pace for a Tacoma show, I know. They seem to draw from the same well as bands like Rise Against. It's all about pummeling, yet tuneful, riffs and snarling vocals. The punk edges have been smoothed over on the record, but live those edges are bound to regain some of their jagged luster. That's one of the great things about punk rock: no matter how produced and polished it is in the studio, that energy comes spilling out when guitar gets hooked to amp and an audience pushes up against that stage. It can run, but it can't hide. Along with At the Spine and Pioneers West, this is a bill that's bound to give your eardrums a healthy workout. 

[The New Frontier Lounge, with At the Spine, Pioneers West, 9 p.m., Cover TBA, 301 E. 25th St., Tacoma, 253.572.4020]

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