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Saturday, May 28: Princest


Princest / photo courtesy of Facebook

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The songs on Princest’s EP are foreboding, lo-fi post-hardcore rock that hint at fearsome live performances just out of range of the recording equipment’s ability to capture. Slinking bass lines provide a wobbly platform upon which all of the songs shakily stand. Frontman Ben Farr’s vocals are pitched halfway between terrifying and terrified — even when he swallows the mic and starts screaming, there’s something in his voice that sounds as wounded as it is defiant. The riffs, when they come, are heavy and plodding, a trudging march to inspire dangerous headbanging. I’ve seen sinkholes of mosh pits open in the floor at Northern, which this show (also featuring Hot Rush and Ketamine Fight Club) definitely seems determined to inspire. Try your best to stay on your feet.

[Northern, with Hot Rush, Ketamine Fight Club, 9 p.m., $5, 321 Fourth Ave., Olympia,]

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