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Friday, June 24: Dignitaries CD release show

The New Frontier Lounge

The Dignitaries

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The Dignitaries are a garage band. This aesthetic is one they've honed to a fine craft. On the band's debut LP, Rocket Science, 15 songs blaze by in a fuzzy haze of two-minute bursts. Like the album's name might suggest, these songs are all fire and momentum - spent after a brief window, with the sulfury smell of damage left in their wake.

Having only been around for about two years, the Dignitaries have nevertheless carved a groove for themselves in the local music scene, thanks, largely, to their energetic live shows.

"We put on a good show," says lead singer Reylan Fernandez. "With a lot of people, you can have great songs, you can have great hooks and you can have the right equipment, but if you don't put on a good show at the local level, no one's going to remember you. Our little tambourines have become the little keepsake that everybody remembers us by, which helps."

To read Rev. Adam McKinney's full article click here.

Dignitaries CD release show

with Panama Gold and the Riffbrokers
Friday, June 24, 8 p.m., $5, cover TBA,
The New Frontier Lounge, 301 E. 25th St., Tacoma

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A brief window of sulfury damage

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