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Thursday, July 28: Merlot with Boe

Amocat Cafe

Tacoma Councilman David Boe

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In preparation for this November's election, highly regarded Tacoma City Council Member David Boe is currently out on the proverbial Grit City campaign trail, shaking hands, kissing babies and drinking wine. What!?! It's true. Not only is Boe a well-spoken proponent for thoughtful design and progressive ideas, representing a town in desperate need of all of the above, he's also a shaved-head renaissance man of sorts, surely adept at appreciating the finer hints and flavors of a great glass of vino. Thursday, at the very Boe-friendly Amocat Café, the councilman will host a campaign fundraiser promising "witty banter and Merlot from great local wineries Vashon Winery, Kalamar, Wilridge, and Corvidae Wine Company." The action runs from 5 to 7 p.m., and the booze is only for grown-ups.

PREDICTION: This will be way classier than the "Waffles With Joe Lonergan" fundraiser. Also less sticky.

[Amocat Cafe, 5-7 p.m., no cover, 625 Saint Helens Ave., Tacoma, 253.722.5373]

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