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Thursday, Aug. 18: Boe on a Bus

Third Thursday Art Bus

Tacoma City Councilman David Boe, Art Bus Director Angela Jossy and Downtown Merchants Grouup President Whitney Rhodes rode lead the Third Thursday Art Bus in July. Photo credit: Pappi Swarner

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We've recommended the Third Thursday Artwalk plenty of times. And we've recommended the Art Bus to help you navigate the Artwalk almost as much. Separately, we've been a big proponent of Tacoma City Councilman David Boe, he of the shaved head and much-needed progressive urban design ideas. This month it all converges, as the Third Thursday Artwalk Art Bus welcomes celebrity tour guide David Boe. Have your Boe and eat it too. Or something.

[Tacoma, Art Bus takes off from curb outside Tacoma Art Museum, 6 p.m., $10-$20, RSVP

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