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Friday, Sept. 16: (PARK)stock

Downtown Tacoma

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For those dreaming to turn on, tune in and drop out of work for four hours Friday, your dream is now reality. The Weekly Volcano will transform a street-level parking space along Pacific Avenue in Tacoma's Museum District into a mini Woodstock festival. Titled PARK(stock), our hippie happening is part of national PARK(ing) Day, the annual global event where citizens, artists and activists collaborate to temporarily transform metered parking spaces into "PARK(ing)" spaces: temporary public places.

It's beautiful, man.

Downtown On the Go - the Tacoma commuter program partnership between downtown businesses and the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber, the City of Tacoma, and Pierce Transit - sponsors the local version of the movement. Local businesses - including your favorite alt rag - will create pop-up parks in parking spaces, from the University of Washington-Tacoma to the Stadium District, in hopes the public will hang at each park and ponder how public space is created and allocated - while, at least at our park, spreading love and peace, man.

Drop by our park Friday with your tambourine, you dig?

PARK(ing) Day

Friday, Sept. 16, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., free
Downtown Tacoma

LINK: Tell the universe you are down with this

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