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Through Oct. 25: "Clybourne Park"

Harlequin Productions

Mark Alford, Jason Haws, LaVon Hardison, Robert Humes, Phillip Keiman and Nikki Visel (left to right) in Clybourne Park now on stage at Harlequin Productions. Photo courtesy of Harlequin Productions

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I think it'd be tough to argue Clybourne Park isn't one of the best-written scripts we've seen in years. It won the Pulitzer, the Tony, and the Society of London Theatre's Olivier Award. Playwright Bruce Norris does an exceptional job of allowing characters to talk themselves into conflicts far deeper and more personal than they expected. It uses one address, 406 Clybourne Street, Chicago, the same house under contention in Lorraine Hansberry's landmark A Raisin in the Sun, as the battleground for a nation's ethnic tensions.

Read Christian Carvajal's full review of Clybourne Park in the Music and Culture section.

CLYBOURNE PARK, 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday, through Oct. 25, Harlequin Productions, 202 Fourth Ave. E., Olympia, $20-$31, 360.786.0151

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