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Saturday, March 28: Halcyonaire

Bob's Java Jive

Halcyonaire / Photo credit: Anna Larina of Skeleton Key Photography

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Oakland five-piece Halcyonaire approach the genre of country music from a roundabout way. Much like bands like Phosphorescent, the music is less about approximating the sound of country than it is about creating a hazy mirage of what country feels like. These are drifting songs that have a relatively loose structure, content to just let the music go at its own pace. There seems to be an underlying spirituality to Halcyonaire (they started a project called Soundings, where they would do field recordings of their songs in majestic places like Anza-Borrego Desert, which they claim imbues the music with a certain indescribable vibe) but, lest you be scared off, the music itself doesn't come across as too touchy-feely. The closest they come to a New Age-y feel is the trilling bits of psychedelia that live on the outskirts of their songs.

HALCYONAIRE, w/ Coma Figura, Hot Cops, Full Moon Radio, 8 p.m., Bob's Java Jive, 2102 South Tacoma Ave, Tacoma, $5, 253.475.9843

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