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Dark with a heart

Le Noir Bizarre offers a little bit of everything (dark)

A little touch of magick: The store offers darkness to anyone interested. Facebook

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Julia Jones may have found Tacoma's Halloween Pulse. She's the mind behind Le Noir Bizarre, a three-floor, dark holiday extravaganza happening Sunday, Oct. 30 at Sanford and Son Antiques. Jones has a couple dozen craftspeople, performers and assorted weirdoes lined up for this romanced/goth/steampunk celebration, and promises there will be plenty of skulls, goggles, lace, fire, demons, devils and tons of stuff made from pieces of animals and old clocks.  Recognize.

Contrary to my assumption, Le Noir Bizarre does not translate as "the new weird." It means "The Dark Market," which only describes about half of what Jones has lined up. As far as the dark market goes, Jones runs her own - all year long  - from Sanford and Son, called A Little Touch of Magick. Whatever she sells, and whatever she has in store for Halloween Eve, Tacoma seems to be hungry for it.

"We opened a year ago on Black Friday (at Sanford and Son). Within months I had to expand," says Jones. "This is the official grand opening. When I started thinking about Halloween, I couldn't find anything going on for my customers, and I had heard that vendor markets hadn't done well. So I tried to come up with something. What we have is just a big celebration of the unusual and bizarre."

Come up with something she did. What began as a one-floor affair has blossomed into a three-floor orgy of strange, starting with an array of vendors. A short list of things you'll find at the Le Noir Bizarre includes: hand-made Oujia boards made from ancient walnut; out-of-this-world costumes and clothing from Darkstar Creations; creepy dolls and plushies from Devout Dolls (many of which look like Bratz on heroin); and fresh, upcycled jewelery from Steampunkjunq, which does some amazing things with old watches, cogs and gears.

For the shop-wary, there will be plenty of entertainment for zombies of all ages. Abby's on Broadway will host a beer and wine tasting event featuring gothic-themed wines and seasonal brews. Goth wunderkinds, Deadly Nightshade Botanical Society, will celebrate the release of their latest album, Carnival of the Poisoned Rose, with a live performance. Firedancer Eros, a.k.a. Deanna Riley, will show folks what she can do with an eight-foot bullwhip, fire staves and other flaming implements. Someone (I hope it's Alan Gorsuch) will perform dramatic readings from famous literary works of horror. Blue Mouse Theater will performs musical bits from Tacoma's oldest (only?) Rocky Horror Picture Show Shadowcast. And there will be a family of booths, etc. offering things like photos in a coffin, special effects makeup and tarot readings, donations for which will go to local charity Stand Up for Kids.

Whether you're looking for a dark market or just the new weird, it seems Le Noir Bizarre will have you covered.

Le Noir Bizarre All Hallows Eve Celebration of the Macabre
Sunday, Oct. 30, noon to 5 p.m., free, but donations accepted on behalf of Stand Up for Kids, Sanford & Son Antiques, 744 Commerce St., Tacoma,

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