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The Outfit Theatre Project is at it again

Tacoma's talent Stephanie Johnson is a musical guest music in "Joe's Diner." Photo by Chris Hunt/MySpace

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It's been a few weeks since financial experts decided the recession was officially on its way out, and times are still hard all over. Jobs lost, homes devalued. And when everyone is struggling to make ends meet, the urge to spend money to watch three hours of depressing drama, however intellectually stimulating, slims down considerably - to right around no urge at all for a lot of people

Fortunately, in community theater, when the going gets tough, the tough get silly.

The Outfit Theatre Project made its debut a year ago being silly in public, producing Joe's Diner as a fundraiser for Lakewood Playhouse. Billed as an "improv sitcom," the event was, by all accounts, an unprecedented success. Extra rows of seats were added, fire codes were flexed and funny bones were hammered.

Now in rehearsal for their second full-stage production, The Transylvanian Clockworks at Tacoma Little Theatre, the Outfit has decided it's time to whip up another episode of Joe's Diner.

This year's Diner directs its proceeds to TLT. In addition to the in-house Outfit players, featured performers include Matt Vancil, director of cult hit films The Gamers and the currently-airing web mini-series Journey Quest, and Tacoma's Stephanie Johnson as a musical guest.

The latest update of the show promises nine different improv "games," using input from the audience, while building on character development and background storylines from the first episode.

Joe's Diner is being billed as inappropriate for viewers under 13 because, let's face it, grown-up stuff is funny. It will run two hours plus an intermission.

Joe's Diner

Friday, Oct. 15, 8 p.m., $15
Tacoma Little Theatre, 210 N. I St., Tacoma

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